GET MOTIVATED & GET MONEY - It's not something tangible but it's something achievable. "Get Motivated & Get Money" is a phrase to motivate and promote a better self. To "Get Motivated & Get Money" you must hustle, grind and give it a maximum effort. Push for that extra rep, sprint those last few meters, turn that business idea into reality, reach for that higher elevation. When you "Get Motivated & Get Money" you are leaving better than when you first began.
           JayR Chavez CEO and founder of the brand is MOTIVATED to do what he does because he too was once an athlete (basketball / track & field) and also an entrepreneur at heart and feels he didn't make it to a higher level because of lack of self motivation and focus. JayR wants to help upcoming athletes, entrepreneurs and fitness enthusiast to NOT make that same mistake. With maturing and having the motivation that he lacked in his younger days, he now owns small but successful companies he started from the ground up, is into fitness and has the motivation to live a healthy and active lifestyle, since playing a professional sport is out the picture LOL! With a sense of fashion and pushing people to be the best version of themselves that they can be, thats where Get Motivated Clothing was born. He wanted to create a LIFESTYLE Clothing Brand that meant something to entrepreneurs, athletes and fitness enthusiast all over. To remind them to stay motivated and always give it their all, never give up and to have the right MINDSET!